College Girl & an Epic Fail.

Yesterday was a huge day for me, why? I finally registered for my Fall classes at RSCC. I'm really excited and nervous all at the same time because it's been almost four years since I've been back to school. Not only that but I'm changing gears completely and going into nursing.

I went in early yesterday morning and I got signed up and ready to go. My classes look good, my financial aide appears to be on track so everything right now is green. Which I am soo glad because I was really worried that for some reason I would have a ton of holds. Specially since I'm trying to come back to school. Anyway so I got registered and I feel like a grown up .. again. haha.

On the bad side, I have been contemplating going back to red hair for quite some time now. I really love Emma Stones' hair here:

Now my normal gal who does my hair was unavailable, our schedules haven't been on track since she started her second job and I started mine. So I figured I would try someone else... That was a HUGE mistake! 

I brought in photos of my previous red which was on the dot to Emma's above. And all the hair dresser could say was ''oh that's going to fade quickly''  and just argued with me the whole time about the color.  I even told her I didn't mind because, I am willing to do the upkeep on it so that it would look nice. I mean if she did it right she would be getting repeat business every two weeks to color my new growth. So it's not like I was going to get this one time and be done with it. 

Now mind you when I went into the salon my hair was BLONDE so it's not like the color wasn't achievable.  Plus I had the perfect dimension as well so it wasn't going to be all the same color.  I finally sat down in the chair thinking that I was going to get the color I wanted I felt relieved. She mixed color up, started putting it on my head then I had to wait 30 minutes. My scalp started to burn! 

I've been dying my hair for well over 10 years now so I'm used to the process and the different kinds of dyes out there. Drug store hair dye breaks me out and burns my scalp -this is one of the reasons why I have been getting my hair done at the salon for about 4 years now. What ever the dye she used not only smelled horrible but just burned my scalp completely. So it had to have been a cheap dye because even after it was washed three times it just smells gross. 

 I was already upset that I had to argue for five minutes before but lets add a burning scalp to it . By the time she washed it and gave me a ''blow out'' I just had that feeling that it was too late ... when she spun me around to face the mirror it was SO dark I had to take a deep breath. I had to be honest I was unhappy with it. period. There was no changing my mind. I even said that I hated it. It's way too dark. I was in tears by the time I left.

I know it seems silly to cry over hair, but I have been trying for a year to stay away from dark dark colors. I've wanted to go with a light softer side, I'm so pale skinned that a lot of the times all dark colors wash me out. I've made an appointment at another salon next Wednesday to get my hair stripped and then redyed. Ugh this is ridiculous to have to pay a fortune just to get the color I originally wanted!

Lets Play Catch Up!

Okay... It has been quite some time since my last post, so let me catch you all up to speed. Last week not only did I pick up a little part time job, but I also got a nasty little infection that had me down from Monday to Thursday. Blah, it was horrible!

I did however start a new job! I have been working non-stop and I am enjoying it.

I've also been working on Goodnight Nora, which will be my new jewelry shop on Etsy. I'm excited about it, I've already made a bunch of inventory. Now just to get the store up and ready to go which has been a process!

Graham and Chloe have been growing like wild fire too. Graham got his cast off last Thursday and unfortunately was a traumatic experience once again. It was bad enough trying to stitch him up the week before, then getting the cast on the following week, but removing it was horrifying! Graham had Sueann in tears (my friend and baby sitter) Jeffrey and two other nurses had to hold the poor little guy down. Yes, it was that bad! His toe still sticks straight up so I'm not sure what they will really do about this because over time his toes (which by the way already started to do mind you) will start to curl under that second toe. So I'm just kind of frustrated at this point.

I'm still  working on my weight loss journey though I haven't posted about it in a while. I try to eat healthy as I possibly can though some times it's hard because there are so many ''easy ways'' to obtain food. There are fast food joints at almost every corner. Each one saying ''Natasha come to me, eat my delicious overly processed food, come to me, come to me my darling!'' It's really tough, and I've been trying to pack healthy food and snacks to work, though sometimes it can be a bit of a fail, but I have been making an effort to drink a lot more water though.  But that's what has been going on the last few weeks, sorry to keep lagging it's just trying to find the right time.
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