Books Worth Reading: The Girl Who Chased the Moon

Let me start off by saying this:

If Julia Child and Practical Magic had a baby, this book would be it. It's full of food, mischief and magic with a little bit of romance thrown in.

I love anything that Sarah Addison Allen writes. She paints a vivid picture in your head of the story she is telling you. Not to mention she writes beautifully and her books are easy to read and get sucked into. 

When I read this I devoured it in a day, it's highly entertaining and addictive I feel like the characters in her books are old friends after hearing their stories, that manage to reach out and touch my heart.

 This story that she tells here is utterly charming that I absolutely 
loved it. The story line is simple but it's also incredibly irresistible. 

This is a love story but, it's also something so more reading beyond the words. It's about finding a place when you feel so out of place. It's about regrets, mistakes, redemption, magic and mystery. 

Julia's story focuses on her regret all though reformed, haunted by memories of past mistakes. While Emily story focuses on magic, mystery and a mother that she thought she knew. The men in there lives, Sawyer and Win, equally won my heart, both filled with wonderful southern charm and sexy smiles. 

Memorable Words Monday: Follow Your Heart Printable

Hello lovelies!

Due to monday being Memorial day, and we are launching out new store we are posting a little early this week. So here is this weeks installment of MWM!  Just save, print on an 8x10 piece of paper, frame and viola! You have a super cute wall hanging for your home! Don't forget if you like what you see Pin + Share!


Coming Soon: The Wild Heart

I'll be opening up a print shop this summer, while I'm busy working on the store front enjoy this sneak peak! :)

Memorable Words Monday : Watercolor Anchor Print

Hi lovelies!

Here is this weeks printable for MWM!  Just save, print on an 8x10 piece of paper, frame and viola! You have a super cute wall hanging for your home! Don't forget if you like what you see Pin + Share!


Friday Favorite #25

How adorable are these t-shirts?!
(Via: )

Can we talk about this adorable butterfly headband? Perfect for Spring & Summer!
(via: )

Cactus garland!
 (via: Pelemele)

I am in love with this dress, it's so pretty!
(via: Modcloth)

These pajamas are super adorable and look so comfy!
(via: Lunaby)

I love this bright print plus it has that vintage feel that I LOVE!
(via: BopandAwe)

I love anything monogrammed. 
(via: SewChicNC)

This shirt is calling my name!

I love calligraphy, but a no fuss kit? Sign me up!

Macrame isn't for your Granny anymore!
(via: KnottyBloom)

Do It Yourself Wednesday : Moroccan Tile Canvas

Hey lovelies!

So this project I did for my daughters room, to give it a touch of boho chic, whimsy, and a POP of color! It's two 11x14 canvases and one 16x20 canvas with the Moroccan tile painted on them. This project took me about 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete. 

I purchased all of my supplies at Michael's art supply store. Here is what you need:

  • FolkArt paint stencil in moroccan tile
  • Folkart multi-surface paint in your choice of color.  
  • Sponge brush or paint brush
  • Tape (optional)
  • Canvas in sizes 11x14 and 16x20
  • Paper plate & paper towel
  1. First with the desired base paint, paint the entire canvas and let it dry (or you can leave it white and skip this step). For Chloe, I did Pink Rouge as my base and Berry Wine for the design.
  2. Open your stencil and place it on the surface of your canvas. You can tape it down with painters tape or washi tape to help secure it to the canvas.
  3. Grab the desired paint color for the tile design and begin painting! I used a paper plate for my paint and used a paper towel to sponge off excess paint. The stencil is small, so you do have to go section by section on the canvas.   
  4. Here is a helpful tip: You can brush paint this however, I found (out the hard way) that when you a use a sponge brush (stencil brush) the application is much better and easier and the paint doesn't bleed through and doesn't make a mess as you are removing the stencil to move to the next portion.

The paint dries pretty quickly so you can move to the next section of the canvas rapidly. 
Once you've finished and let it dry completely, hang and enjoy!

How a non-believer came back to Christ.

I don't normally share this part of my life but, this year has been my turning point in my faith and it has been a crazy and emotional year!
I've always been a Christian and raised in church, and tired my hardest to be a good follower of Christ. But the last six years have been difficult for me. With more tears and heartache that I would like to admit and with all the emotional and physical abuse I endured had lead me away from God. 
For a while I even questioned why. Why was God being so mean to me? I began to wonder if there was really a God. Because why on earth would he have let so much heartache happen to someone so young. 
It was like I was a tiny ant and God was the cruel child putting a magnifying glass on me only burning me enough to keep me alive. And that's what it had felt like for so many years. I felt like God just wasn't on my side at all and I finally started to not believe anymore.
 After my mom died and my marriage crumbled, I ran wild seeking love from anyone and it was always the wrong kind of love. I let people abuse me mentally and physically thinking it was love. I put myself in a bad situation that left me broken and it was that very moment that ultimately led me to give my life to God and trusting him fully.
This time last year, it was Mothers Day and this person who was in my life put me in a situation that I was honestly terrified of. They promised me a lot of things to keep me, they lied to me, they abused me emotionally and took advantage of me. When it finally ended I was devastated, confused and broken. But that's what the enemy does to us, they break us, make us feel unworthy, and suffocate us with so much darkness it makes us feel like there is no hope. That we will never get help or see the light.
 At the time I wasn't seeing God, I was being pushed further and further away from God and what He wanted for me. I was too busy making someone else my savior and bible. I was at an all time low when it came to an end and what I didn't realize at that moment was that, when God closes one door he opens another.
But I had to surrender myself to the right person, and that right person is God. And when I surrendered myself to him completely, he healed me and he blessed me. When I was hungry, he fed me. When I was upset or scared, he used the most random people to give me scriptures of comfort. He opened the door that I thought would never open because honestly, I'm a sinner. I sin. And growing up, I was told that God hates sinners, that we were dammed to hell. And that terrified me so much I stayed in the dark.
However, when I  finally let go and just said "OK God, I give it all to you" He opened the door with so much love and warmth. 
In Romans 5:8 God says: I love you even at your darkest. And that's when I realized that God doesn't hate sinners, nor are we dammed to hell. He loves us even at our most darkest of time.And he gave me so much love too, love that I thought was gone, love that I thought I would never have again after my mom died.
I not mad or angry with that person that put me in that situation because ultimately, they taught me just how strong I really am. I stopped relying on others and instead put faith in God and in myself. They forced me to have courage and to be brave even in the most scariest of situations. Because going from not believing and being angry in and with God to believing and forgiving is a pretty scary thing. I mean that's a pretty big deal and leap of faith.
I look at how far I've come and the things I've been able to accomplish since putting my trust and faith with God. I'll be truthful though, sometimes I wonder where I would be if I were still in that toxic environment. But truthfully, I'm thankful it ended when it did and how it did because I needed to be broken and my world turned upside down in order to turn to God and become the person that I need to be and who he wanted me to be.
Thank you God for loving me through my sin, through my darkest moments and through my brokenness.

God can restore what is broken 
and change it into something amazing.
All you need is Faith.
Joel 2:25

Memorable Words Monday : She Decided

Hello lovelies!

Welcome back to this weeks installment of MWM! Simply save, print on an 8x10 piece of paper, frame and viola! You have a super cute wall hanging for your home! Don't forget if you like what you see Pin + Share!

Things to tell your husband daily.

 "She didn't just fall in love with him once. She falls in love with him every time she looks at him."
-Josephine Angelini

I think the key to any successful relationship or marriage is being verbal with each other, every day.

Words of affirmation go a long way when it comes to love. And some times, it just feels really good to get a compliment or know that we are appreciated.  This is also the same for our husbands.

When I was asking Mr. Fresh Heart about what are some of the things that he wish I would say or do for him more, he talked about acts of service. If you are familiar with the five love languages, then you know what I'm talking about. However, if you don't and want to check it out and maybe even want to see what your love language is, head on over to Gary Chapman's website for the five languages of love here.

Anyway, acts of service is what he said. Basically he feels love when I do things for him without him asking. He's a man of action versus words however, not everyone's husband or partner seek acts of service. Because we are human we are all wired differently and interpret love differently. But there are others ways to express your love for your partner for example:

  • I love ____ about you or I love that you do ____.

I feel that saying "I love you" just simply isn't enough. Being specific about a certain trait or thing that your husband or partner does goes a lot further. Like for instance, I tell Mr. Fresh Heart that I love watching him be a father and interacting with our children. Or when life just gets super busy for me and he takes the trash out for me. When he comes back in, I immediately let him know that I love and appreciated him doing that for me. By doing this it lets your husband know what you are acknowledging what he is doing, even if the act seems so little.  Remember, even small acts leave a much bigger impact.

  • Letting your wants and needs be heard and acknowledged.

Though our husbands and partners posses many super talents, mind reading just isn't one of them. So we can't assume that they know what we want or need. We have to be verbally honest and open with them. If we are vocal about what we need or want we can avoid any negative outcomes there may be by assuming. When we are verbal this strengthens our bonds with each other. 

 Ultimately, we have to love our husbands or partners the way that they need or want to be loved. What are some of the things that you say and do for your husband or partner daily?

Do It Yourself Wednesday: Upcycled Dresser.

My daughters room has been my biggest DIY project to date!

I have my moms old vintage furniture and for a while I wasn't sure what to do with it. I'm one of those if I can re-use it I'm happy. For Chloe's room it's very girly and colorful and I wanted her furniture to match her very bubbly personality.

Here is the dresser before and after, I sanded, primed and painted this dresser into a custom vibrant pink color. 

Removed the knobs and painted the drawers, I used Folkart metallic gold for the design and also used their stencil.

Finished results!

Primer // Zinsser
Chalk Paint //  Americana Decor
Stencil //  FolkArt 
Gold Paint // FolkArt

Memorable Words Monday: Never Stop Doing Your Best

Hello lovelies!

Welcome to this weeks installment of MWM! Simply save, print on an 8x10 piece of paper, frame and viola! You have a super cute wall hanging for your home! Don't forget if you like what you see Pin + Share!

The faces that made me a mother

10 Inspiring Quotes on Love

Like any woman, I love to hear how much my significant other cares about me. Here are ten other great quotes on love I found to inspire you today- enjoy. 

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. If was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." 

"I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours." -Nicholas Sparks

"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out? Ah, but what if it does." -Peter McWilliams

Brief is life but love is long." -Alfred Lord Tennyson

"Love is the beauty of the soul." -St. Aurelius Augustine

"We loved with a love that was more than love." -Edgar Allen Poe

"Love is friendship set on fire." -Jeremy Taylor

There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."- Emily Bronte

"Love; it will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free." -Mumford & Sons

"You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear." -Oscar Wilde

If you find a quote you love or think of one yourself, write it down and text a "love quote" (the new love note) to your partner while they're at work. It's a quick, personal way to say I love you! 

What's your favorite quote on love? Share with me in the comments below! 

Ezra + Chloe

One thing that I learned last week is that I need to start taking more photos of my children. 

Before, I was worried about not being present and made more present memories and stopped photographing everything. But I realize if I don't photograph those memories, they are lost or forgotten. And I want to remember everything. From now and beyond I'm going to make an effort to take more pictures. 

Memorable Words Monday: Encourage Each Other

Hello my lovely readers! 

Welcome to this weeks installment of Memorable Words Monday which is coming to you from 1 Thess. 5:11 which reads: Encourage each other and build each other up. 

This bible verse hits true to my heart this week because in order to be more Christ-like we have to love each other. And in order to love each other, we have to encourage and lift others up. Even more so when we know there is strife in the other persons life. I hope this encourages you to be more Christ-like this week and to encourage, lift and build others.

All you have to do is click the link that says download here, save, print on an 8x10 piece of paper, frame and viola! You have a super cute wall hanging for your home or office! Be sure to come back every Monday for new printables and inspiration.  

Don't forget if you like what you see, Pin + Share!


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