The War With PCOS

I just want a period.

I want my body to ovulate, shed its lining and bleed like it is supposed to. Is that to much to be asking for? Seriously, for Christmas all I want is for my body to straighten up, bleed on its own and without the need of medicine. 

Gosh I remember when I used to hate having my period, now I would do anything just to have one. The things we take for granted. 

All these medicines do crazy things to my body symptom wise. I can't handle Provera, I started Progesterone 200mg and I feel like I'm drunk.  I tired birth control at the lowest dose they could give me. The crazy mood swings and constant bleeding (going from no bleeding to constant non stop bleeding) was too overwhelming.

Then there is my weight issue, they keep telling me if I lose the weight I can reverse PCOS but if my hormones are already out of whack then how am I to lose the weight? Because hormones and weight are linked together after all.

I feel like the odds are forever against me.

I was supposed to have had a D&C done a while back but that never happened. Instead when I went and saw the OBGYN that my midwife referred me to for the consult, he only prescribed me more medicine. My midwife had seen some polyps in my uterus along with the thick lining and thought it would be in my best interest if I had a hystoscopy and D&C done. No one has even looked at my previous uterine ultrasounds, or even discussed polyps and other things my midwife found when she did the saline solution ultrasound (which those suck by the way).

So now I'm wondering: do I really have PCOS OR is there something else that is causing my body to not be able to menstruate on its own? 

I'm going to call in the morning to another OBGYN at a different hospital to get my third (really second) opinion. I feel like the other doctor didn't do much just said "yeah whatever, take these pills and see me in a few months."

I'm getting so tried of putting junk into my body that's really doing more harm to me than good. Yes, I am getting a period but at what cost? 

I work in the medical field and I always hear ladies complain about getting their periods. OK I get it, sometimes it's a little inconvenient when you aren't prepared for it. But complaining about it to someone who suffers from PCOS, is like waving sugar in front of a diabetic. We want it but we can't have it; unless we suffer the consequences to have it:

 (Progesterone 200mg taken at night days 14-28)

I mean look at this gigantic horse pill I have to take at bed time! I think that if I don't eat a big/heavy meal or take it drinking a full bottle of water the dizzy/drunk/vertigo feeling is much worse. The drinking of the full bottle of water before bed makes my bladder angry and I'm staggering around the house in middle of the night like a young college girl again. Where's the bathroom again? There's a light around here somewhere! 

The medicine makes me feel tired during the day. I am normally very productive during the day but the days that I have to take this medicine I was just so tired. Ezra sleeps through the night; 9 hours of snuggly sleeping baby bliss. So there isn't a lack of sleep, just one (of its many) crazy symptom of this medicine. 

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