When You Give Everything To God, He Will Bless you.

bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
-First Corinthians 13:7

If you have been with me through the course of this year on the Fresh Heart, then a lot of you know I went through a really rough and bad situation over the course of five/six-ish months. 

I am very open with my belief in God and my faith and thank Him every day for the amazing people he has brought into my life. As well as all the wonderful connections with those very same people He has brought me too. Even one that I never thought I would find, which is love. Not just smitten love, but true, real, and unconditional love. Not just for me but for my children as well.

I won't lie to anyone I was broken, very broken emotionally.

I talked and touched base about it often in my Knowing Your Self-Worth segments on my blog. I prayed for days, weeks, and months for God to bring me someone: my partner, my soul mate, my equal. Someone who was going to love and respect me and help me blossom even more. Not only in my faith with my God but emotionally as well. I knew that in order for this to happen, I had to give myself to Him fully. I had to wait and be patient while being calm and still. I know it wasn't just luck that brought me into the place that I am now, it was my prayers being answered. 

Out of no where, this big Italian man comes into my life and instead of tearing me down, walking in front of or over me, he walks beside me, cheering me on. He loves me through my faults and insecurities and didn't care that I had nothing to give.

After all, I was broken and I had no idea how to love or even how to trust anyone with anything that I had. All he wanted was me: good day, bad day, pretty, ugly whatever. He accepted me for all that I am. He loves me, not for what I can give him but for who I am on the inside: he loves my heart. The best part of all is, he accepts and loves my children. Which is something more than I could ever ask for. I highly believe it takes a real kind of person, I take that back, a real man to love another mans child/children.

He has been my cheerleader and brightens my day, he keeps me calm when I start to worry, anchors me with I get overwhelmed, and showers me with love and respect. He has given me everything and doesn't ask for anything in return. 

He has loved me through everything passionately and unconditionally. He has helped me heal and blossom and I am so very thankful for that. That my friends and dear readers is what true love is all about. 

I will be honest, it has taken a couple of bad apples and choices to get to him. However, I finally found the one my soul sings for and I couldn't be happier and I so owe it all to the glory of God because without Him and faith, none of this would be possible. 

heart emoticon
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