DIY // Galaxy Wine Glasses

Galaxy print is really IN this year, pretty much everything has a galaxy print on it. I actually made several of these for a firends wedding that's coming up in October. So I figured, why not just make a tutorial!

OK you don’t really need any super elaborate materials, some of this stuff you can probably find around your house, but if you don’t, I predict a trip to Michael's or Hobby Lobby  is in your near future.

 So here’s the gritty on what cha’ need for this project:

1 wine glass (or two… if you just really like wine...)

Masking tape

Enamel paint that is specially made for glass (Martha Stuart has a lovely brand of enamel paint for glass) in the following colors: black, white, teal, purple, and fuchsia.

Side note: You can use any range of bright colors (look at galaxy photos for inspiration- I just happened to use these colors since these are part of her colors) so don't feel like you have to go by the ones I have posted.

5 Sponges (use a new one for each color) maybe additional ones if you color mix.

Old tooth brush

Paper towels for mixing, blotting, and removing any excess paint off of your sponge, brush and hands.

Newspaper to cover your work surface

Tape your glasses where you don't want your galaxy painting at. On these, I taped up half an inch (maybe less) at the top of the glass.

Here is a helpful tip: put the tape on the top of your hand to remove some of the sticky off the masking tape. I did one glass without doing this and the tape nearly took off half of my painting when I removed it even after I let it dry for several hours.

Get your black base (dark navy blue would work too if your store is out of black paint) and begin to paint your glasses!

I painted on three layers of the black, the paint was really transparent with just two layers and the third layer was where I needed it to be.

Now select your next color and begin to sponge it on!

Here I started with purple and used different hand pressures to apply it. Some places I wanted it more opaque and other places ...not so much. The picture above, I already started to apply my third color.
There aren't any right or wrong ways to do this, so just go with it and have fun!

I swirled the handle for fun, it’s a neat little added touch and it shows off all the colors you used. 

FYI: This is by far the messiest part of this project, and I highly recommend doing this outside… you will ruin everything with white paint if you don’t.

Now to add all the tiny stars: to do this take you white paint and your tooth brush, dip the bristles in the paint then take your index finger and sweep it across the toothbrush, flicking the white paint onto the glass. The distance will vary the size of the spatters. So the closer you are the bigger they are and the further you are away the smaller they will be. So go crazy!
I also used a small eyeliner makeup brush to add the bigger star bursts, you don't have to do this, but it's a neat little add on.
Wait for your galaxy master piece to dry and then gently remove the masking tape from the glass. If some of it comes off, no worries, just sponge on a little more black paint.

And ta-da! You have awesome galaxy printed glasses!

I would love to see your galaxy glasses that you come up with so be sure to send me photos!


  1. I have a question...What brand paint did you use? I'm just shopping for cheap paints and it would help if you could tell me the specifics. Thank you!

  2. Really pretty! Thanks for the tutorial!

  3. Really pretty! Thanks for the tutorial!

  4. Hello I am planning to do this project for my daughter sweet 15!I have never done this before so I was wondering if after painting do you have to “cure it,bake it to seal the paint”? Please help!;)

  5. Hey there! I actually didn't seal mine since I used paint specifically made for glass. Though I'm sure you could just as easily put a clear coat of some sort on this once it's dry to ensure that it stays. If you do decide to seal it, please comment back letting me know so that way I can test it out as well. Thank you! 🌷 -Annie

    1. Hello I baked them @ 350° 30 min then after they cooled I sprayed them with KRYLON clear UV resistant gloss sealer.

  6. Hi, they are really pretty. Does each layer have to completely dry before the next step? How long does it take to dry? Thanks

    1. I waited for the base to dry completely but for the 'galaxy' portion in order for some of the colors to blend into each other, I did those wet. It doesn't take long to dry so you do have to work fairly quickly.


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