You're Late! You're Late! You're Late, For A Very Important Date!

My due date came and went and still no sign of Mr. Ezra Lee. 

My body has consecutively stayed at 2% dilated and 75% effaced for three weeks now! I've tried almost everything to help push things along. I've tried everything from pineapple, long walks, pony galloping, spicy foods and nothing has helped. 

My midwife scheduled me an ultrasound to find out how much fluid I had in my uterus as well as babies weight. Mr. Ezra is a whopping estimated 8 lbs and 12 oz from the ultrasound calculations. It also turns out that I have Polyhydramnios, which is just a fancy word saying that I have too much (or excessive) amniotic fluid. 

No fetal abnormalities were found on my ultrasound (praise God!) and I didn't have maternal diabetes so the cause of my Polyhydramnios is unknown. However chances are when my water does break, the flood gates are going to open! Though I'm not sure why Ezra hasn't made his debut but what ever the case may be, I'm just glad he's healthy and happy. :)

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