Ear Lust - Daughter

I have really been loving Daughter's The Wild Youth EP this week. With her song Youth rolling in at number one for most played. Her voice gorgeous as it is haunting. With lyrics that touch your soul in ways you didn't know. :)

Large Feels Good.

Yesterday, I bought my very first large in over four years!

Large feels so good considering I've been wearing things from XXL to 1X. I'm starting to get so close to my goal I can almost taste it! I've been a lot more active, work and the kids constantly keep me on my toes. I've been eating a little bit better but with Starbucks just right around the corner it's hard not to indulge a bit when I'm working. I'm still gym fishing though. I still haven't found one I'm in love with and want to commit to - I have commitment issues it's true. 

I signed up for my first hooping class though and I'm really excited about that. I've talked briefly about hooping but it's so much more than what you may think.Pulled from my instructors webpage:

Hooping AKA Hoop Dance is a form of dance using a hula hoop. It's not just the 1950's style of "hula hooping" anymore. It's evolved into a high-energy dance form that started when the String Cheese Incident passed out plastic hoops made of irrigation tubing at a concert about 14 years ago. Hooping is done with a different form of tubing than the cheap variety found in most toy stores. This tubing is resistant to kinking and is much sturdier making hooping something anyone can do. Hooping is also an excellent low impact cardio workout that burns approximately 300-600 calories per hour. It also increases coordination and is an excellent workout for building core strength. Hooping helps participants to feel more self confident & develop a better body image.Hooping utilizes both on-body and off-body movements that when combined together creates what we call "flow". However, flow is much more than that. Flow, as taught by Hungarian Psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a state of mind that is achieved when one is so immersed in an activity that they lose track of time. The result is a feeling of optimal fulfillment or bliss that makes this mind/body movement more than the ordinary gym workout. It's easier to stick with something when it provides you with more than just calorie burn. Hooping brings back an element of play & laughter. A hoop class will feel like you've arrived for a party not a workout. Like I tell my students, "you can't take yourself too seriously in a hoop". Hooping is fun & it brings people together. Throw down a few hoops at your next picnic or family gathering and let the games begin!

It's a Win!

Okay, I really suck at posting on my blog. I'm SO busy that sometimes I just don't have time for it. Which makes me sad because I really do have a lot to update about it's just finding the time to do so. haha I should probably start blogging from the break room at work.

Alright, so on Wednesday I went to my girlfriend Mandy who is a student at Paul Mitchell (The School). She does AMAZING work specially with color, color is just her thing. She loves mixing and fixing. So I knew I came to the right place to get that awful brown ''red'' color off my head. So if you're ever in Knoxville TN go schedule an appointment with her, she will not disappoint!

Anyway, two bleach shampoos later we finally got majority of that hideous color off me, there were a few pieces of hair that just didn't want to let go of it but luckily they are underneath so it's a huge problem. Besides, a little dimension doesn't hurt. Mandy put shiny penny on top of that to try to even everything out. I looked like a cheeto head for a bit LOL.

I got a deep conditioning treatment as well because those washes are just so rough on your hair, I think any bleach product is to be frank. But it was awesome to have that conditioner just for added protection. Got my hair washed, dried, and styled and it looks amazing! I am SO happy about it.

(my bug and I being silly)

And it just compliments my skin tone and everything. This by far is my favorite red I have had. And I've had just about every shade of red that has been available.

Anyway, great news about Graham, they are releasing him from having a ''speech delay'' and are now going to start working on sounds etc. This his a huge deal because now instead of being there for 45 minutes for each therapy he's going to 30 minutes! He is improving so much and it's helped he's getting a lot of interaction with older children too. I'm such a proud Mom right now!

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