Baby E is 14 Weeks!

14 weeks already?!
(via: babycenter)
What's going on with Baby W this week?

Baby E can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck his or her thumb! Has a strong, whoosh-whooshy heartbeat that can usually be found pretty easily now with a doppler. It’s much faster than my own BPM (between 120 – 160 bpm), and sounds vaguely like a washing machine. Baby also is roughly the size of my fist (or a very large Georgia peach) now.

How I'm Feeling: 
  • No more nauseated feelings! 
  • Ah, the second trimester. Oh how I love you so, second trimester! Even though I still have a few lone symptoms of misery that haven’t yet left me completely, I do remember the unadulterated joy that comes with suddenly realizing that you totally don’t feel like warmed-over butt 100% of the time! It’s only, like, 43% of the time now! Hooray! ‘Tis a pregnancy miracle!
  • Muscle aches and pains, man. I don’t remember having this many painful knots in my neck and back last time. I don’t remember my tailbone hurting quite this badly until much, much later last time — like third trimester later...
  • I'm looking a lot more pregnant and feeling a little more human. Nails? Great. Hair? AWESOME. Skin? Ugh. 
  • I'm still pretty exhausted, but hey! What’s that? Why, it’s my libido! I was wondering where that went. Oh hi honey, don’t you just looooove my new physique? Yes? Great, now get yo’ pants off! ;)
  • Thank goodness that my girls have not grown a whole lot, instead my rear is finally seeing some action. I'm talking big booty girls! It's a Christmas wish come true! XD


  1. Replies
    1. Defiantly feeling more perked up, thank you second trimester!


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