Know Your Self-Worth :: Toxic People

Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, and make you happy.
If you know people who do none of these things, let them go.

I've talked previously about letting go of relationships that don't serve you in a healthy manor. The month of May, I'm not even kidding you, was really about tests and learning lessons. I really had to do a lot of praying. Specially about the relationship that I had with a few individuals. 

I came to realize that the relationship that I had with these people, really wasn't good at all, mentally or emotionally. These people were actually pretty toxic for me, specially as I transitioned to healing and walking with God. Instead of building me up, they were always tearing me down. They were always trying to find a fault in me. It's like no matter what I said or all the good I did, they always found a way to make it unjustified or bad.

Lessons in May.

The month of May has been very tough for me. It has been a series full of tests. Tests that I should have given to God and walked away from but in all honesty ... I didn't. I am not ashamed to say or admit that I failed those tests miserably. But I am human and I'm still learning and every day there is a lesson to be learned. I just have to continue to give everything to God that worries me.

These last two and half weeks have been all about learning to be quiet, calm, still, and most importantly learning forgiveness and letting go. I've come to realize that when you have Christ you have everything you need. It just takes the faith to let him fight all battles and to keep your heart clean. 

Learning to let go completely has been the biggest struggle for me. It's not that I'm avoiding questions that are being asked, it's just that at this very moment, I need to be still. I need to be quiet, I need to be slow to speak and slow to become angry. I also need to stop sharing information with those who are not and shouldn't have been apart of the current situation in the first place. I should have been protecting my heart and seeking God then allowing others to dictate everything. 

I've always been one of those who have struggled with forgiving others. I know there is no limit to the number of times we are to forgive someone. Gods offer of forgiveness to anyone who asks for it is a great example to us. There is a parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:23, Jesus on the cross demonstrated ultimate forgiveness, and Stephen who forgave those who were stoning him in Acts 7:60.

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