You Are Lovely Project: Day 1 : Realization & Free 8x10 Printable

To help me on my journey to becoming lovely, I am not going to hold anything back, even as much as it may embarrass me.This 365 day project is for me and my journey to a healthier more body positive me. I know that I need to be more honest with myself, specially when it comes my emotional and physical health.

Motherhood drains me emotionally and physically, and I often get envious of these other blogger mommies. They all seem to have it under control and are calm, cool and collective. While I'm over here with my hair a mess, children with dirty faces and sticky hands. As I sigh and say to myself "Well, at least they made it another day without killing each other." But I know I shouldn't be this hard on myself. I am doing the best I can, my kids have a great life and plenty of awesome memories even with how crazy it all may seem.

It's just that I pour my whole entire self into my children that I have nothing left for myself. I honestly leave absolutely nothing for myself, I am doubtful, hard and cruel to myself. I'm constantly beating myself up over not being the perfect "hot mom" that I feel like I should be. I strive to be the best mother possible that sometimes I try to be a little 'too perfect' (if there is such a thing). However, I'm so lucky that I have an amazing SO. He comes home and pours his all into me (even when I show some resistance). It's not that I take what he does for me for granted, it's just that I need to be able to do this too.

In order for me to take care of myself and have a more positive body image, I need to be a little selfish. Selfish to not give my entire being away but to save just enough of myself for myself. Selfish to take some time and discover my true loveliness and beauty. To love myself for who I am even on those days where everything seems to go wrong and I'm lucky to have showered. I want to fall in love with myself, while taking care of my mind, body and spirit.

I hope you enjoy this free 8x10 print as well. Just save, print and place into a 8x10 frame. :)


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