Ezra Lee at 6 Months

It's crazy to believe my little dziecko is half a year old already! He is hitting milestones like wildfire and I seriously can't keep up. 

In the last two months he: 

Cut two front teeth, crawled, pulled up, stood unassisted, says mom-mom and dada, greets everyone with smiles, pats and slaps. He's actually been trying to wave but he ends up just just slapping whomever is holding him. 😅

He's still at the "mouthing stage" and he puts everything, and I mean EVERYTHING he can grasp into his mouth. He's quick too, and you really have to keep an eye on him. He's so mischievous and curious about everything. 

Ellie, who has been his favorite lovey from birth, is still going strong (though she does need a good bath now). Ellie goes everywhere and if Ellie can't be with us, Kit Kat (a scraggly stuffed cat I picked up at a fancy baby boutique in VA last year) takes her place.

He has grown and blossomed so much in these last few months alone. It really is unbelievable for both Anthony and I.

But he still prefers to sleep on my chest and snuggle me. When we are feeding, he still runs his tiny little fingers through my hair. Which is something he has always done since nursing. ❤️

Here are some of my favorite photos: 

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