
Tomorrow, I graduate... tomorrow. to-mo-rrow.  t o m o r r o w.

Tomorrow is my last time researching, typing and handing in my Kizer and Case Study. This is the last night of (countless all nighters) studying. Tomorrow will be the last time I open those double doors, walk to the office to get my tardy slip (that's life with two school age kids), walk through the hallway to my class and sit with my class mates.

This has been a long and transforming year at Southeastern. I've seen so many people come and go. However on this day, the day that I have been patiently waiting for; it's finally here and the feeling is so surreal.

This has been a year of struggle, hope, and finding my own confidence. Not only have I helped others but they also helped me. In helping heal others my own self was healed in a way that I would have never thought of. But trust me, there were many times where out of pure frustration, I seriously wanted to quit and give up like most thing in life that I've done. But hallelujah! I never gave up, I think a lot of it has to do with the positive and encouraging people who not only attend the school but also the people who work there too.

My instructors, though they were hard on me at times, really pushed me to be a better healer and therapist. I learned to take criticism better and worked harder. I learned to ask questions even when I often turned red from embarrassed. But I also stood up for my instructors too.

Life, growing up and being an adult is never easy and sometimes you really need a reality check. Being an adult isn't about who did what or who posted that on facebook. If you really want something, it takes pure dedication to achieve it. I have always said this to fellow classmates and I will continue to say this: if you want respect you have to give it and in return you earn respect back.

It's true I have so much respect for my instructors and because of this they were more willing to help me when I asked for it. Believe me too, there were several times where I would have to stay after class.

If you want to learn or understand something you have to take the initiative. My instructors really love what they do and it showed. It was never about a paycheck (though it's nice), they genuinely wanted you to know and love your craft. They want you to be successful and strive in this hard world.

Tomorrow, I will be the first person at Southeastern to graduate from the massage therapy program who has had a baby in the middle of the program, gone on maternity leave and came back to graduate. To be honest this will be the first time I actually finished a medical program.

I seriously should have been an RN tenth fold already for as many times as I started and stopped the program. I was actually in the middle of transferring to a prestigious medical school here for their RN program when I decided to quit all together. Most people look at me crazy when they learn that I even for fitted a full ride scholarship. I'll admit, I let all the wrong reasons, things and even people get in the way of that.

But tomorrow, as I take my victory walk,  I want to say a little thank you. To all the nay sayers, the doubters, and anyone who said I wouldn't finish; thank you for being the fire under my ass to finish. And thank you, to the people at Southeastern for believing in me. :)

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