
Last night I found something that made me rather upset. ☹️

Now before I get into the nitty gritty of this let me say this: I have no problems with sharing what so ever. I want to help people make pretty things. This is why I take the time out of what I'm doing to type and photograph these tutorials. However, I do not accept people, websites or apps to take my photos (and words) and use them without permission or consent.

While surfing through pinterest and Facebook I found some peculiar images for a website and its app.

I sat there kind of sleepy eyed (Ezra is teething, I'm sure you get it) going through my feeds and was like "hmm... this looks exactly like my kitchen table, those look like my galaxy glasses too... Wait... that IS my kitchen table and those ARE my galaxy glasses!" Yeah, I wrote the tutorial two years ago but it's not like I go and look at it everyday.

I did some investigation and sure enough they were using MY images and my word for word tutorial on their website, app and other social media sites. Without permission, without consent then on top of that they cropped out my website logo (granted they are in the corner of the image and I've learned my lesson for watermark placement). Still, they were using my images without asking.

I wrote them the following:

Dear Trusper,

It has come to my attention that you have pulled photos from my blog cropped out my website logo and have used my images in your marketing ads and website. Please remove my galaxy wine tutorial (found here: http://www.thefreshheart.com/2014/07/diy-galaxy-wine-glasses.html?m=0) from your website and other social media sites you have posted this on. I took the time to photo each step, edit each photo as well wright the very detailed tutorial that you just so happen to now host on your website word for word without any credit to me or my blog. If it is not removed in a timely fashion I will seek legal action.




They were semi quick to remove everything, but it took them 48 hours to respond letting me know that they did in fact remove it. However, they did let me know that  if the person(s) who posted it made claim to it that they would repost it. Which as I was reading the email I was saying to myself "Are you kidding me? Repost it?  But I AM the original owner." Also don't forget that they were also using my images for their (obviously paid) sponsor advertisements without my permission.

Not even 24 hours later dealing with this, I found my tutorial again pulled off my website by another user. I asked them very kindly to remove my tutorial. Their response was "unless you are the owner of the website I am not going to remove it. I found it so I am posting it. So I reported it again and it finally was removed, hopefully for good this time.

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