Whew! An Actual Update!

Hey lovelies!

Sorry that I've been so MIA lately, we are still trying to "move in" our new house LOL! We've been here for a month now and we still somewhat live out of boxes. Haha I'm not used to having so much house that honestly, I'm not really sure what to do with it all! Someone please come help me figure it out!

Besides trying to unpack, I've been busy with tons of DIY projects! The current non-endless craft project are my eldest children's rooms and I finally finished painting their rooms two weeks ago (before and after photos to come at a later time). It's just been a really slooow process with finding those perfect (or not to perfect) pieces for their rooms.

On top of that, I'm hoping my war with PCOS is coming to a close (*fingers crossed*). I finally had a period naturally. Which is something I'm over the moon for because I hate taking medicine! It also means we are seriously one step closer to being able to TTC. However, last week I did have an ultrasound of my uterus and they did find something (but are unsure what) in there. So, I am scheduled for a hystoscopy and D&C Tuesday of next week. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time  because, Ezra will be a year in June and we have been given the green light to start trying for baby #4 then if we want. Which is awesome and I'm super stoked about it but, I have SO much on my plate right now.

For about two years now, it has been one of my dreams to start a women's ministry. My ultimate goal is to help women of all types and ages discover their strength and worth and the love Jesus Christ has for them. Through sharing the stories of other women who have struggled with everything from adoption, domestic violence, and life in general (because it's hard) I hope to help empower women. Because you are not alone, you are loved, you have been since conception in your mothers womb. You were fearfully and wonderfully made and there is a whole group of amazing women ready to share their story honestly and openly in hopes to help and encourage you. If you are reading this and you would like to share your story and how God helped you triumph; please feel free to contact me. I would love to talk with you and share your story!

Other than that, everything has pretty much been mellow. I hope you all have a blessed Friday and weekend!

much love,

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