Day 1: Setting Goals.

Day one of my 356 project and I'm already feeling motivated! I am excited about all the changes I am making about my life and making sure I stay healthy and happy.  I understand that sometimes I will have set backs and that I will probably will get really frustrated. But this isn't an instant process no matter how much I want it to be. If I could snap my fingers and be skinny and happier with myself I probably would have done it by now. But unfortunately I can't and I have to accept that.

One of the rules I have set for myself is that I am no longer going to say the word 'can't'. I am going to completely throw it out of my vocabulary.  No more looking down upon myself. I am no longer going to 'wish' about things. I am going to DO this I CAN do this!

So today I sat myself down and set an ideal goal of what I would like to weigh by the end of this project. I'm also going to post pictures of my progress (though as embarrassed as I am). This will force me to work even harder and to stay on track. I want to feel just as beautiful on the outside as I do on the inside.

Okay so here is my weight chart that I made to track everything. It is pretty simple I just fill in what weight I have lost until I have reached my goal weight. I  have a total of 50 lbs that I AM going to lose! I would like to be at least 30 lbs lighter by August which may be a bit of a stretch BUT even if I don't reach that as long as I'm staying on track and am trying that's all that matters. 

I think I have set a manageable goal and I have three hundred sixty-five days to do it. Though I hope to reach it sooner,  I have to stay positive no matter what and fight through this. I know I CAN do this, I've done it before two years ago, I was half way though my chart hitting 150 lbs but I don't know what happened. Priorities, stress, and other life events got in the way. But this time I will do it I will get through this!

I plan to get the babies and myself in bed by 10 o'clock tonight. And be up by 7 in the AM. Be showered and ready by 7:30 get the babes up get them breakfast and clothed and out the door by 8-8:30 and off to the park to walk. I want to walk around at least three times each morning. Somewhere in their nap time, get at least a 30 minute work out with the kettle bell. I've also talked to Jeff about maybe getting a gym membership at Court South (which they also offer free child care) or Anytime Fitness for both of us. He's expressed many times about eating healthy and losing weight. So this would be a great project for both of us to do and that could help me keep on track and focused.  :)

You Are Lovely.

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