Baby E is 9 Weeks!

Baby E is 9 weeks along today! 

(via: babycenter)

Big things are happening for Baby E this week! He/She is the size of a large grape and weighs a fraction of an ounce! Essential body parts are accounted for now, the heart finishes dividing into four chambers and valves start to form, as well as tiny teeth buds are forming, and that little "tail" that made baby resemble a tadpole is now gone!

How I'm feeling:
  • Fatigue: I'm still extremely tired all the time. Even a simple trip to the grocery store with Mr. and I'm maxed out for the day and need at least a two hour nap.
  • Constipation:: If my bowls didn't move slow before, it's like molasses now. 
  • Hormones:  Do I really need to talk about this?! My hormones are running a muck with my complexion (I feel like a pubescent teen all over again) and emotions. I am an emotional roller coaster,  I'm seriously super blessed that Mr. Mason is an extremely patient man.  
  • Bloating: Some days I can wake up with a flat tummy other days I look like I'm well in my fourth month. I know that with each pregnancy you show quicker but I wasn't expecting to already be in my maternity jeans. 
  • Extra blood flow: With about 50% more blood volume running through my body, my body temperature is all sorts of jacked up...I'm either too hot or too cold and never a comfortable in-between.
  • *BARF* Again. Still. 
  • The Girls: Still small and tiny (I talk about my breast reduction here), but I've got some major breast tenderness going on. I'm hoping that the girls just avoid to grow and my butt will get bigger. I'd like to get some junk in the trunk... please?

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