Baby E is 14 Weeks!
14 weeks already?!
(via: babycenter)
What's going on with Baby W this week?
Baby E can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck his or her thumb! Has a strong, whoosh-whooshy heartbeat that can usually be found pretty easily now with a doppler. It’s much faster than my own BPM (between 120 – 160 bpm), and sounds vaguely like a washing machine. Baby also is roughly the size of my fist (or a very large Georgia peach) now.
How I'm Feeling:
- No more nauseated feelings!
- Ah, the second trimester. Oh how I love you so, second trimester! Even though I still have a few lone symptoms of misery that haven’t yet left me completely, I do remember the unadulterated joy that comes with suddenly realizing that you totally don’t feel like warmed-over butt 100% of the time! It’s only, like, 43% of the time now! Hooray! ‘Tis a pregnancy miracle!
- Muscle aches and pains, man. I don’t remember having this many painful knots in my neck and back last time. I don’t remember my tailbone hurting quite this badly until much, much later last time — like third trimester later...
- I'm looking a lot more pregnant and feeling a little more human. Nails? Great. Hair? AWESOME. Skin? Ugh.
- I'm still pretty exhausted, but hey! What’s that? Why, it’s my libido! I was wondering where that went. Oh hi honey, don’t you just looooove my new physique? Yes? Great, now get yo’ pants off! ;)
- Thank goodness that my girls have not grown a whole lot, instead my rear is finally seeing some action. I'm talking big booty girls! It's a Christmas wish come true! XD
The last two weeks have been crazy for me, I started my second job this week to try to help keep me busy. Then strife occurred that set me back quite a bit.
I have been praying hard these last two weeks. I know God has a plan through everything. It's just that sometimes, I wish those plans were not so difficult, or confusing, or sometimes disheartening. But I do know He never gives us too much that we cannot handle and surrounds us with unconditional love.
I wont lie, I have been angry.
As Christians, I believe (and this is my own opinion), we are supposed to love everyone no matter what or how they have sinned. We are supposed to accept everyone and not cast judgment onto others. God is about love and acceptance. Not snubbing your nose down at someone simply because you feel a certain way about something.
We're supposed to inhale love, and exhale hate. Not every chance we get belittle someone into submission or have them thinking they are in the wrong when they did absolutely nothing in the first place. That is not what Christianity is about and it makes me so upset how some people can pick and choose parts when it doesn't agree to their life style how how they think a certain family member should behave.
We sin.
We all sin, now matter how much you want to hide it, it's true.
We are human and were given the gift of imperfection.
I have been praying hard these last two weeks. I know God has a plan through everything. It's just that sometimes, I wish those plans were not so difficult, or confusing, or sometimes disheartening. But I do know He never gives us too much that we cannot handle and surrounds us with unconditional love.
I wont lie, I have been angry.
As Christians, I believe (and this is my own opinion), we are supposed to love everyone no matter what or how they have sinned. We are supposed to accept everyone and not cast judgment onto others. God is about love and acceptance. Not snubbing your nose down at someone simply because you feel a certain way about something.
We're supposed to inhale love, and exhale hate. Not every chance we get belittle someone into submission or have them thinking they are in the wrong when they did absolutely nothing in the first place. That is not what Christianity is about and it makes me so upset how some people can pick and choose parts when it doesn't agree to their life style how how they think a certain family member should behave.
We sin.
We all sin, now matter how much you want to hide it, it's true.
We are human and were given the gift of imperfection.